Part 2: Simplify Security in Kubernetes with Keycloak and Dapr: A Comprehensive Integration Guide

Abhishek koserwal
2 min readMay 29, 2023

This post is a continuation of Part 1: Simplify Security in Kubernetes with Keycloak and Dapr: A Comprehensive Integration Guide.

This part will explore another Oauth2 Client Credentials middleware component of Dapr for the same step we had in Part 1. We will only replace the middleware.http.oauth2 with middleware.http.oauth2clientcredentials

We will create a new oauth2clientcred.yaml with content similar to oauth2 config with additional differences of headerName and endpointParamsQuery

kind: Component
name: oauth2
type: middleware.http.oauth2clientcredentials
version: v1
- name: clientId
value: "dapr-demo"
- name: clientSecret
value: "<secret>"
- name: scopes
value: "openid profile"
- name: authURL
value: "http://<keycloak-server>/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/auth"
- name: tokenURL
value: "http://<keycloak-server>/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/token"
- name: redirectURL
value: "<Kube cluster IP>"
- name: headerName
value: "authorization"
- name: endpointParamsQuery
value: "state=randomtext"

Update the Pipeline.yaml with HTTP handlers type to `middleware.http.oauth2clientcredentials`

kind: Configuration
name: pipeline
samplingRate: "1"
endpointAddress: "http://zipkin.default.svc.cluster.local:9411/api/v2/spans"
- type: middleware.http.oauth2clientcredentials
name: oauth2

We can deploy oauth2 client credentials and pipeline

kubectl apply -f oauth2clientcred.yaml
kubectl apply -f pipeline.yaml

We roll out the existing deployments to enforce quick updates on the existing configuration

kubectl rollout restart deployment/goechoapp
kubectl rollout restart deployment/dapr-operator -n dapr-system

Now if we open the Kind Cluster IP Address and invoke the goechoapp

You will see a difference, the access token is generated, but we can access this page without the Keycloak authorization flow.

Echo App responds with an access token

We can try sending a POST request without any authorization header

curl '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Cookie: gosessionsid=VVdCWmJad2JNcGdBbEdnbVlYeFFpU3RRaXZkT0hpZnE=' \
--data '{

You see in the response with a valid access_token from Echo API.

"access_token": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJ...",
"query_param": "hello",
"body": {
"asd": "asd",
"sad": "sad",
"tasdas": "adsad"

In the case of the Oauth2 Client credential grant, the middleware sends a Client Credential grant request to Keycloak and retrieves an access token as the response. Dapr component sidecar injects the access token as an authorization header (headerName) into the application. In this case, Echo API will get the request with an authorization header injected with a token. Because the Echo API returns an authorization header in the response.


Oauth2 Client credential grant is useful for Services to Service communication cases where one service needs to send an access token as an authorization header to another service protected by the Keycloak.

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Abhishek koserwal

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