Error: error parsing template {{.data.”key-x”}}, template: output:1: bad character U+002D ‘-’
Jun 8, 2022
Error return by the Openshift cluster when using the oc tool to retrieve secrets with a key containing a dash(“-”) in it.
Let’s say the secret is defined in follow namespace &
- namespace: test
- name of the secret: `config-parameters`
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
name: config-parameters
namespace: test
test-id: dGVzdC12YWx1ZQ==
type: Opaque
Let’s try to retrieve the secret “config-parameters” with the key:”test-id”
Execute the following commands (change the “test-id” accordingly)
export NAMESPACE=testexport NAME=config-parametersoc get secrets/$NAME -n $NAMESPACE —-template=’{{index .data "test-id"}}’|base64 -d
Hope this was helpful. Thank you for reading.